Time Deposits (CDB)

10/06/2015 11:23
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Registered fixed income security issued by CCB Brasil as time deposits, with remuneration and maturity negotiated at the time of the investment. The remuneration rate on CDBs can be fixed, linked to the CDI rate, the Selic rate or price indexes (IPCA or IGP-M), and taxed according to the regressive withholding tax table.


Final maturity date
Can only be redeemed on the maturity date of the investment, and is intended for investors with funds available for a given period of time and who are looking for attractive yields combined with security.

Progressive CDB
Offers the option of redemptions on predefined dates. The yield increases the longer the funds remain invested with the Bank. The rate on the redemption date of the CD applies to the entire period from when the transaction began. It is intended for investors that might need liquidity at regular intervals while guaranteeing more attractive yields over time.

Product covered by the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC) up to R$250,000 per Individual Taxpayer Card Number (CPF)/National Corporate Taxpayers Registration Number (CNPJ), per financial institution.

This Institution adheres to the ANBIMA´s* Code of Regulation and Best Practices for the Activity of Distribution of Investment Products.

*Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Institutions.