Ethics and Integrity

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CCB Brazil Integrity’s program is a set of guidelines of CCB Brazil Conglomerate’s. It complies with Law 12,846, of August 1, 2013, regulated by Decree No. 8,420, of March 18, 2015, and the SARB N Regulation ° 021/2019, which aims to prevent and combat corruption, in all its forms, and establishes guidelines for the design, implementation and continuous improvement of the program.

CCB Brazil Conglomerate’s Code of Ethics and Conduct is one of the main instruments of the Integrity Program and its main objective is to be a guide for actions and to strengthen our principles concerning the conduct and behavior in our daily interactions.

CCB Brazil Conglomerate, with the support of Senior Management, should promote educational measures regarding the ethical values expressed in its Code of Ethics and Conduct, to approximate the degree of adherence to the Program and transparency in relations with its stakeholders.

The CCB Brazil Conglomerate maintains a training platform for employees and, when necessary, provides face-to-face training on the Integrity Program.

Click here to access Federal Law 12.846 / 2013 (Anticorruption Law)

Click here to access SARB N ° 021/2019.

Click Here to access CCB Brazil's Code of Ethics.